Thursday, June 11, 2015

My Final Blog (Hopefully)

So this will hopefully this will be my final blog to do for senior year because you might never know what will happen. I’m going to miss this school because I've been here since 7th grade. I really enjoyed my final year at TMA. One of my favorite event that I did was the senior trip because I spent 3 days away from my family which was the best feeling ever and I got to hang out with my friends. A close second will probably will be senior barbeque just because it was a free day from school and we got our yearbook which I was barely in. I remember when I was in 9th grade I saw a sign with a freshman writing and it said “Hey freshman I know 4 years might seem like a long way, but just ask the senior. Time will fly by.” I said to myself that complete bull but know I’m laughing at myself because it is true. For graduation I hope they don’t play See You Again by Wiz Khalifa because I feel like I might actually cry. Nope I won’t. For real I just want to thank all the staff and teacher for helping me get here and making my high school experience the best it can be.  

Friday, May 22, 2015

Community Service

 Community Service this semester was really fun because we did many activities and events. For example, last week we went to Harlem Hospital to talk about how to be safe when having sex, all the type of diseases you can get for having unprotected sex, and a testing treatment for HIV. The person that was running the program was called H.A.P.P.I. The first thing we did that day was play a game of jeopardy. The group was spitted into two sides, left and right, and the question was based on sexual activity and my group lost because we didn’t have as many people as the other team. I wished we would have won because the winning group got a free movie ticket. The next activity we did was a scenario game where each partner had a different type of scenario and had to act it out. All the people who had participated also won a movie ticket. Then around the end, they were teaching us different type of diseases people can get for having unprotected sex. They taught us how to put on a male and female condom and how to check if it expired or not. They were giving free HIV testing treatment for people who think they might have it. Overall, I really enjoyed the experience because I learned many things at that event. They gave us pamphlet and I actually took some because I wanted to read what other information they had to offer. My favorite thing about that event was when some people participated in an activity to try to get a movie ticket, but no one got one and it was pretty funny.

Sunday, March 22, 2015


So in Economic class we had to do a presentation on a business we were going to open and present it to the class. One of the reason why we was scared was because I hate presenting in front of my class because I'm to shy when it comes to speaking out loud that's why i don't really share out. And the other reason was me and Caprice started the day before the essay was do. So we stayed after school doing that and he had to go so i left as well and i finish typing it at home. Once I was done I sent to him and I was nervous because I thought I did bad, but he said I did a good job so I felt relieved. Then the day the essay was due we turned it in, but the power point was do the next day as well as the commercial. We had no idea what our commercial was going to be about, but then I say people doing slides of pictures with narration in the back. So we decided to do that. Then we stayed after school again doing the power point and commercial. I had to do the power point while Caprice did the commercial. When I was done with the power point Caprice did the voice over and when he did it there was people talking in the background and he stuttered once in the commercial. Then he said hes only doing it that one time so I said ok. Then the day we had to present 3 groups wasn't ready so they got 10% taken off their grade. Then we had to go and as I said earlier I was shy to present so I kept biting my nail, looking down, and reading from the smart board. Other then that I felt we did good on that project.

Do not read!!

If you are reading this than you already failed what the title told you not to do. Anyways I'm really happy that the first marking periods is over thank god. I feel like I did as usual every single marking period. Did good in some class, did really bad in science because its my worst subject, and I procrastinated most of my work and homework. That's a really bad i need to break because i always do everything last minute like my college admission. I did that really late like I just finished 2 weeks ago with my CUNY. Anyways at least its done right? I'm going to try to do most of my work on time but knowing me I'm going to forget what I just said and go back to procrastinating as usual. I'm really nervous for parent teachers conference because I still don't know what type of grades I got because I'm to scared to check my pupil path. I know when I get to Ms. Hegeman its going to be crazy because all i do is get in trouble in that class and not no other class. And usually when a teacher says I do bad my mom would slap me so I'm hoping she won't say anything to bad. So Ms. Hegeman if you are reading this PLEASE don't say that much bad stuff.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

SuperBowl XLIX

So recently the Super bowl just passed and to be honest i hated it. Like most people, i know I'm not the only one, watch the Super bowl just to see the new commercial and they were terrible. They were mostly sad which I didn't care for. I like them to be funny and i only found like 2 commercial funny. The Super bowl and football is like one of the worst sports to watch even though many people like it. People need to start watching the Champions league and the World Cup. Now those are real sports event you need to watch because they are exciting. The reason why we see half time shows in football and not soccer is because the actual sport is entertaining enough. I hate watching football and I even hate watching the Super bowl. So overall football is one of my most hated sport. Soccer for life.